AXE, Hedegaard og Brandon Beal smiler og vinker til ekskæresten!

AXE introducerer den nye herreduftserie AXE Black i samarbejde med hitmagerne Hedegaard og Brandon Beal, der stod bag to af Danmarks mest streamede sange i 2014. Nu er artisterne i fællesskab klar med singlen ”Smile and Wave”. Vi blev inviteret ud til optagelserne af musikvideoen, for at tage en lille snak med de to artister.


Hvorfor har i valgt at indgå i denne kampagne?

Brandon: I felt like it was a mutual thing, you know. A lot of people go do campaigns and these endorsement deals not even really liking what they`re doing or not even knowing exactly what the product is about. I literally have bottles of AXE in the house, real talk. We literally use the product, so its a mutual thing. It`s not like people who do campaigns for Coca Cola but drink Pepsi, you know. Its a mutual thing and the fact that I actually spent my hard earned money on AXE completely makes sense. It really means a lot that now I`m in this campaign and were joining forces with AXE Black. 

Rasmus: Jeg kan direkte relatere kampagnetemaet Less is moretil mit arbejde i musikbranchen. Nogle producere tænker, jo flere krydderier jo stærkere, men hvis man giver hvert spor sit eget liv, bliver det en bedre helhed. For mig handler det om at få enkelte elementer til at spille sammen til noget større.

Hvad synes i om denne måde at lave et samarbejde på?

Rasmus: Jeg synes det fedt, for i musikvideoen vi laver nu har AXE en stor rolle i plottet og det er på sådan en sjov og humoristisk måde. Det virker slet ikke tvunget – altså jeg mener, hvis vi ikke havde samarbejdet, ville det give lige så meget mening.


Hvad handler sangen om?

Brandon: Sangen handler om en pige, der pludselig viser interesse efter succesen er kommet. En interesse, der ikke var der før. Det er der kun en løsning på: Smile and Wave– og send hende hjem med et not you. Læg det bag dig, og vis overskud.

Hvorfor passer sangen lige til AXE?

Brandon: You know what I think it is, it comes together because all the music that I do. It`s crazy coming from US to Denmark. I think its the same as the AXE story actually, at least in comparison, but when I first started I was doing music that I thought worked in Denmark and even though I had some hits, I didnt do anything to change the music industry. Now Im at a level right where I have one of the first RnB hits to go no. 1 in Denmark. That changed a lot of the scenery, now more people are into RnB, more people are into urban style music. I think together me and Rasmus kinda changed things, if anybody can. But when was there was the last time an RnB single went no.1 in Denmark? Most of the time it`s just pop songs and I think the songs that were putting out now is kinda like the branding of AXE. I think its the whole concept of change you know, I think thats what AXE is trying to do. AXE Black is trying to change what they have been on, thats the whole concept of the campaign less is more. Before I was trying to do all these dance tracks, all this EDM stuff, which worked, but at the same time it never put me in the situation to where I am now. Now Instead of being the guy featured on the EDM song, Im being the guy doing the dance remix, now we`re at the point where people are looking at us instead and that changed. I think us being the faces on the new product, it kinda represents a change in both of our scenarios.


Hvad skal der ske i musikvideoen?

Brandon: Man, I always trust everything Spooner does – and it always work. The storyline here is mostly about all the chaotic shit and all the things happening on this side of the world, which is again much like the AXE Black-brand right now and all the things thats happening. The plot of the story is about all the chaos and all the craziness that you can see around. Sometimes if you step outside of there, you realize maybe this has a lot more depth on the other side. The song is like, fuck you bitchyou know, all the chaos I went through in that relationship, things are going much better and a lot easier on the other side. I completely think thats the concept were getting out of the video. And the second part of the video is with Rasmus at a private party. Thats how our personalities are right now, he is a really chill quiet guy and I`m the guy who`s been in the club like 150 times completely drunk out of my ass, so it completely makes sense!

Bruger i selv AXE?

Rasmus: Det gør jeg nu, haha. Ej, jeg har brugt det før af og til, men den nye duft synes jeg er virkelig god.

Se musikvideoen her:

Kampagnen lancerer en ny serie af AXE Black bodyspray, antiperspirant og shower gel. Samarbejdet rulles ud i foråret på de danske tv-skærme, i biografer, butikskæder og gennem en club tour. Under kampagnen vil Hedegaard & Brandon Beal tilbyde heldige unge mænd et unikt indblik i deres arbejde i musikbranchen.

Fotograf: Andreas Højberg

KIDD ruller stadig som Heimdals Sidste Vogter

Nicholas Westwood er nu aktuel som Heimdals Sidste Vogter og er klar med sin første single, der har premiere på Soundvenue i dag. Han fortæller at Heimdal som vogter Valhalla, har sendt ham her til for at holde styr på den nye verden. – Hør den nye single fra Heimdals Sidste Vogter her! – Ruller Stadig


Sangeren fra Esbjerg vender hjem

Tuborgs Musikhjælp har været en tur i Esbjerg, som er sangeren Jonas‘ fødeby. I videoen kan du hører hvor specielt det er for Jonas at spille på Tobakken i sin hjemby med Shaka Loveless, hvor han også selv har arbejdet. Jeg mødte Jonas første gang i Københavns Lufthavn, da vi skulle rejse sammen til Dubai for at skyde en musikvideo. Siden da har det ført til flere projekter sammen, som jeg ser frem til. Desuden er Jonas bare en super cool artist, så derfor skal I glæde jer til hans nye musik rammer Danmark.


Se videoen her!